Aerobus v1.2
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aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs > Struct Template Reference

values (seen as types) in polynomial ring More...

#include <aerobus.h>

Public Types

using ring_type = Ring
 ring coefficients live in
using enclosing_type = polynomial< Ring >
 enclosing ring type
using aN = coeffN
 heavy weight coefficient (non zero)
using strip = val< coeffs... >
 remove largest coefficient
using is_zero_t = std::bool_constant<(degree==0) &&(aN::is_zero_t::value)>
 true_type if polynomial is constant zero
template<size_t index>
using coeff_at_t = typename coeff_at< index >::type
 type of coefficient at index
template<typename x >
using value_at_t = horner_reduction_t< val > ::template inner< 0, degree+1 > ::template type< typename Ring::zero, x >

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string to_string ()
 get a string representation of polynomial
template<typename arithmeticType >
static constexpr DEVICE INLINED arithmeticType eval (const arithmeticType &x)
 evaluates polynomial seen as a function operating on arithmeticType
template<typename arithmeticType >
static DEVICE INLINED arithmeticType compensated_eval (const arithmeticType &x)
 Evaluate polynomial on x using compensated horner scheme.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr size_t degree = sizeof...(coeffs)
 degree of the polynomial
static constexpr bool is_zero_v = is_zero_t::value
 true if polynomial is constant zero

Detailed Description

template<typename Ring>
template<typename coeffN, typename... coeffs>
struct aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >

values (seen as types) in polynomial ring

Template Parameters
coeffNhigh degree coefficient
...coeffslower degree coefficients

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ aN

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::aN = coeffN

heavy weight coefficient (non zero)

◆ coeff_at_t

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
template<size_t index>
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::coeff_at_t = typename coeff_at<index>::type

type of coefficient at index

Template Parameters

◆ enclosing_type

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::enclosing_type = polynomial<Ring>

enclosing ring type

◆ is_zero_t

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::is_zero_t = std::bool_constant<(degree == 0) && (aN::is_zero_t::value)>

true_type if polynomial is constant zero

◆ ring_type

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::ring_type = Ring

ring coefficients live in

◆ strip

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::strip = val<coeffs...>

remove largest coefficient

◆ value_at_t

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
template<typename x >
using aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::value_at_t = horner_reduction_t<val> ::template inner<0, degree + 1> ::template type<typename Ring::zero, x>

Member Function Documentation

◆ compensated_eval()

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
template<typename arithmeticType >
static DEVICE INLINED arithmeticType aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::compensated_eval ( const arithmeticType &  x)

Evaluate polynomial on x using compensated horner scheme.

This is twice as accurate as simple eval (horner) but cannot be constexpr

Please note this makes no sense on integer types as arithmetic on integers is exact in IEEE

WARNING : this does not work with gcc with -O3 optimization level because gcc does illegal stuff with floating point arithmetic

Template Parameters
arithmeticTypefloat for example

◆ eval()

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
template<typename arithmeticType >
static constexpr DEVICE INLINED arithmeticType aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::eval ( const arithmeticType &  x)

evaluates polynomial seen as a function operating on arithmeticType

Template Parameters
arithmeticTypeusually float or double

◆ to_string()

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
static std::string aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::to_string ( )

get a string representation of polynomial

something like a_n X^n + ... + a_1 X + a_0

Member Data Documentation

◆ degree

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
constexpr size_t aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::degree = sizeof...(coeffs)

degree of the polynomial

◆ is_zero_v

template<typename Ring >
template<typename coeffN , typename... coeffs>
constexpr bool aerobus::polynomial< Ring >::val< coeffN, coeffs >::is_zero_v = is_zero_t::value

true if polynomial is constant zero

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: